Caveats in using the Ocean WRIT pages

Users should take into account the issues below when using the WRIT webpages. Please use the WRIT wiki page to make comments or suggestions.

General Caveats

  1. WRIT time-series tools use the closest grid-point(s) to the user selected latitude and longitude. When grid resolutions differ, the exact location of the box used will not be the same and some dataset differences may be due to the fact that the locations are not identical.
  2. While the general circulation models used in the reanalysis systems remain unchanged throughout the time period of the reanalysis dataset, observational inputs to the systems are not. Interpretations of differences between reanalyses will need to take this into account. The introduction and variations of satellite data creates inhomogeneities in some reanalysis fields. Please research each dataset to see how these inputs may have changed over time.
  3. Areas with a high density of observations available for assimilation into the reanalysis fields are more likely to have a smaller error and be more consistent with independent observations. Areas with a low density of observations can be expected to have higher error.
  4. Also, see the general description of reanalysis at the Climate Data Guide at NCAR.

Mapping Caveats

  1. Most of the anomalies are calculated using a 1981-2010 climatology time period. Some of the datasets on the page are anomaly datasets with a different climatology time range. The time period of the climatology will impact anomaly values. Note you can subtract out a different set of years, thus creating your own climatology.
WRIT is supported in part by NOAA/ESRL Physical Sciences Laboratory, the NOAA Climate Program Office, and the US Department of Energy's Office of Science (BER). WRIT contributes to the Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth (ACRE) Initiative.