Meet Tongtong Xu

Tongtong Xu

CIRES research scientist Tongtong Xu (she/her) began working with PSL's Atmosphere Ocean Processes and Predictability Division in September 2022. Her main focus is to develop model emulators to simulate the trajectories of the climate system and to improve seasonal probability forecasts for coastal inundation. This includes testing different statistical approaches, and comparing to large ensembles of dynamically-downscaled coastal realizations.

Tongtong came to PSL as an NRC post-doc from 2021 to 2022. As a post-doc, she worked on examining model reduction techniques, which could potentially help improve the efficiency of many numerical dynamical systems. She also worked on using statistical approaches to separate the long-term surface ocean temperature trend from the internal variability, and to separately analyze their influence on historical marine heatwaves. Tongtong received her Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Her dissertation focused on the multiple-scale prediction of the North Pacific ocean using statistical and dynamical approaches.

In her free time, Tongtong enjoys hiking, and playing with her dog and her cat.