Wind Profiler Database from TOGA-COARE: Data Download

Home Data Description Data Inventory Contacts

Data File Location and Naming Convention

Gridded Data Files

A new gridded data set isalso available for certain stations. These data have been interpolated onto a uniform 100-m vertical height grid. These files can also be downloaded from the table below. The gridded data set is stored in files with names of the form "sss_ix_yyyy.txt", where "sss " is replaced by the 3-character station abbreviation given below, "x" is replaced by the profiler/mode character ('a'=915-MHz high mode, 'b'=915-MHz low mode, 'e'=50-MHz), andyyyy is the year. Zipped files are also available in a separate directory which have the same name except for the "zip" extension replacing the "txt" extension.

Data Acknowledgement

If you download these data please send us a 1-2 sentence description of your intended use so that we can inform you of other analysis programs underway on related topics and can keep you apprised of any developments regarding quality control. If you use these data in publications, please acknowledge NOAA PSL. Also, we would appreciate receiving a preprint or reprint of any publications utilizing these profiler data for inclusion in our profiler bibliography.

Download Data Files

Click on a station name below to select and download raw files for that site.
There are also "gridded" files available.

Profiler Station Name

TOGA File Prefix

Gridded File Prefix

Latitude Longitude Approx Data Range
Begin End
Biak - 50 MHz (gridded) [zipped files] bi bia 1.18 S 136.10 E Mar 1992 Mar 1999
Biak - 915 MHz (gridded)[zipped files] bb bia 1.18 S 136.10 E Dec 1994 Dec 1997
Christmas I. - 50 MHz (gridded)[zipped files] ch chr 2.00 N 157.40 W Mar 1990 Aug 2002
Christmas I. - 915 MHz (gridded)[zipped files] cx chr 2.00 N 157.40 W Mar 1990 Aug 2002
Galapagos - 915 MHz (gridded) [zipped files] ga, gl gal 0.90 S 89.61 W Oct 1994 . . .
Manus - 915 MHz(gridded)[zipped files] ma man 2.06 S 147.42 E Apr 1992 Feb 2003
Nauru - 915 MHz(gridded)[zipped files] na nau 0.54S 166.92 E Nov 1992 Feb 2003
Piura, Peru - 50 MHz (gridded)[zipped files] pi piu 5.17 S 80.64 W Feb 1991 . . .
Tarawa - 915 MHz (gridded)[zipped files] ta tar 1.36 N 172.92 E Aug 1994 Feb 2003
Darwin - 50 MHz (1)* ds dar 12.44 S 130.95 E Oct 1990 Aug 1995
Darwin - 920 MHz* db dar 12.44 S 130.95 E -- --
Kapingamarangi - 915 MHz* kp kap 1.07 N 154.81 E Nov 1992 Feb 1993
Kavieng - 915 MHz* ka kav 2.58 S 150.81 E Nov 1992 Feb 1993
R/V Ka'imimoana - 915 MHz* km kai -- -- Jun 1996 Nov 1996
R/V Kexue #1 - 915 MHz* s1 kx1 -- -- Nov 1992 Feb 1993
R/V Moana Wave - 915 MHz* mw mwv -- -- Nov 1992 Feb 1993
R/V Shiyan #3 - 915 MHz* e3 sh3 -- -- Nov 1992 Feb 1993
TOGA-COARE 6 sites* -- -- -- -- Nov 1992 Feb 1993
Surface Data
-- -- -- -- Nov 1992 Feb 1993

NOTE 1: The 50-MHz Darwin profiler is owned by Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre (BMRC), Melbourne, Australia.

*'d Data not available at this time.

R/V = Research Vessel