Randall Dole
Senior Scientist
Director's Office
My research focuses on physical processes and phenomena linking weather and climate. I am interested especially in the connections between extreme events and climate variations and change. The ultimate goal of this research is to improve NOAA services that inform decisions on early warning, preparedness, and adaptation. I currently serve on the World Weather Research Program Scientific Steering Committee, which provides scientific oversight and guidance for a diverse set of major international weather research programs and activities coordinated through the World Meteorological Organization. I have previously served as the co-chair of the U.S. Climate Change Science Program (CCSP) Interagency Working Group on “Climate Variability and Change”, on the U.S. delegation for the 2007 IPCC Working Group I Report on the physical science basis, and chaired the CCSP synthesis and assessment report "Reanalysis of Historical Climate Data for Key Atmospheric Features: Implications for Attribution of Causes of Observed Change". I am a Fellow of the American Meteorological Society and of the University of Colorado/CIRES, and Division Director of the CIRES Weather and Climate Dynamics Division. I am the recipient of a Department of Commerce Silver Medal, the NOAA Administrator’s Award, and four NOAA Bronze Medal Awards.
Research Interests
- Attribution of the causes of weather and climate events
- Weather-climate connections and their predictive implications
- Earth System Analysis
- Ph.D., Meteorology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 1982
- B.Sc., Atmospheric Sciences (with honors and distinction), Cornell University, May 1975
Professional Memberships
- American Meteorological Society (Fellow)
- Royal Meteorological Society
Honors and Awards
- Department of Commerce Silver Medal Award
- NOAA Administrator's Award
- NOAA Bronze Award (4)
- Fellow, American Meteorological Society
- Fellow, University of Colorado, CIRES