Animation: NCEP Ensemble 500 mb Z Standard Deviation

Latest Plots for NCEP Ensemble Model Run: 2025/02/07 were updated on Friday, February 07 09:20 UTC

Frame Controls: Imagery:
Loop Mode:
Normal Back and Forth

Animate Frames:

Dwell First:
dec start dwell inc start dwell
Dwell Last:
dec end dwell inc end dwell

Adjust Speed:
-- ++

Advance One:
-1 +1
Frame No:
NCEP Ensemble 500 mb Z Standard Deviation

500 mb Z Standard Deviation Movie using LARGER IMAGES
500 mb Mean Z Movie 500 mb SPAG Movie MSLP/1000:500 THK Movie
500 mb Height Mean Anomaly Movie 850 mb Temp Mean Anomaly Movie 850 mb Temp Anomaly Probability ( > 1 Std. Dev. ) Movie
500 mb Height Mean Norm. Anom. Movie 850 mb Temp Mean Norm. Anom. Movie 850 mb Temp Anomaly Probability ( > 2 Std. Dev. ) Movie

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