Climate Timeseries

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TNI Index

The timeseries is calculated from the HadISST and the NCEP OI SST Datasets. It is the standardized Nino 12 minus the Niño 4 with a 5 month running mean applied which is then standardized using the 1950-1979 period. There is now a version that just uses the HadISST. This avoids the issue where the OI SST doesn't match the HadISST.

Time Interval: Monthly
Time Coverage: 1870 to present
Update Status: updated monthly

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TNI: Standard PSL Format (What is standard format?)
TNI HadISST1.1: Standard PSL Format (What is standard format?)

Data is from NOAA PSL using the HadISST dataset. Index was originally developed by Kevin Trenberth of NCAR/CGD. PSL is updating the index each month. This version is based on the latest HADISST and NCEP OI datasets.


  1. Kevin E. Trenberth and David P. Stepaniak: J. Climate, 14, 1697-1701.
[ SOI | NAO | Rec NAO | AO | AO 20thCR | PDO | NP | TPI | Iceland P | Azores P | Gilbralter P | Nagasaki P | Madras P ]
[ Niño1+2 | Niño3 | Niño3.4 | Niño 4 | AMO | Global T stations | Global T+SST (NASA) | Global T+SST (CRU) | Sunspots ]

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